The commercial brokerage contract
is a service contract based on which Nova provides its customers with the procurement of products and goods of all kinds, in particular products and goods for the production, repair and maintenance of pipelines in the oil and gas industry as well as the associated services, products of everyday life, food , luxury goods, construction products and all businesses that serve this business purpose.
What does this service include?
As your agent, we find the product/goods/or service,that you are looking for, at the best price and in the best possible conditions;
we organize logistics and transport to your warehouse;
we give you the assurance that you are not paying for something you will not receive;
wWe negotiate on your behalf according to the criteria you specify;
we negotiate in the language of the manufacturer;
we will keep you informed of the negotiations and await your comments and instructions;
We offer mediation in making payments in compliance with the conditions specified by you (trust management).
When can you use our services?
if no information about the prices, quality and competition fability of the products, goods, Rohsmaterials or services are available;
if you have large amounts to vneed reasonable prices;
if you financeial resources for investigation andAudit of your investmentn want to save locally;
if it is impossible for you and you do not have sufficient time to deal with dem market, the Bräuand to familiarize yourself with the culture of the respective country.
What are the advantages of the service?
Syou save time;
you save money;
you saven nerves.

In fulfilling your mission, Nova Mediation chooses what is best for you and looks after your interests.